- Create a new Folder called 'SNAGSTAR' Done, I have done this to organise all my folders correctly. Anything that I document on SNAGSTAR will go in this folder.
- Create a folder 'Documentation' Done
Don't need to explain this
***All the following must be done by 26/2/2011 Midnight***
- Creating a document with a table then source at least five products (all five done), the products that are sourced will be used for future reference and will be used for SNAGSTAR to find new products to send an or wholesale. I created a table in Microsoft Word with fields that allow me to organise a list of five products and input into the table.
- Start to source themes for the website, what type of platform will the site be using, try and get two decent concepts. I have not done this yet so I will move this task over to the next day and will be on the top of my task list.
- Customise Facebook Layout
The same applies for this task, I will move this task on to the next task list.
- Create a professional Blog and type up todays tasks (briefly) (DONE)
I have created a proffesional blog, obviously on this website. This allows me to express and identify what I have done, what needs to be done. Also I could use this blog for future references.